Friday, February 16, 2007


Found this picture @ I'm a big Blackberry fan/user, and I thought this, "promotion", if that's a good word for it was very interesting. Kind of like saying, "we are popular, and you're being left out if you don't have a Blackberry."

I wouldn't mind the free coffee too.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Nike Commercial

After seeing the "Jose" soccer commercial in class earlier, I decided to share one of my favorite soccer commercials. It's a commercial for Nike, with the Brazilian and Portugese national teams. It's funny, and 'cool'. Enjoy.

Windows Vista AD

Found a link to this from Gizmodo, about a HUGE Windows Vista Ad on the side of a sky-scraper. That's really going BIG!

I like what a person on flicker said, "Hmmm. I wonder how often the tower needs to reboot."