Monday, January 29, 2007


"Idiocracy" is a movie, comedy starring Luke Wilson. Basically about a guy (L. Wilson) who was just an average guy, in the army, and becomes part of a military experiment. Experiment consists of putting him in a "pod" and freezing him for a year, see if they are successful. Him and a woman are both frozen in these pods, but the whole project is forgotten.....for 500 years! Anyway, the whole time they are in year 2505 (500 years after 2005) and the world has became incredibly stupid. The basic cause of this, is that advertising in a way has took man-kind back. It's quite hilarious, one of the major issues 2505 Unite States, is they don't have any crops. They water them with essentially Gatorade. Why? Because it has ELECTROLYTES! The whole world is covered in ads and brands. People's clothes are just plastered with different brands. Another hilarious part in the movie, was the Carls Jr. ATM-like machines, they serve you the food from a machine...if you have money of course. How do you pay? Well everyone has a bar code tattoo, so makes it easy for you to pay.

It does have an interesting point of view, the way brands basically took over the world......and really messed it up.

By the way, Luke Wilson's job is to bring the world back to normal, or at least help them out. Reminds me of those commercials where there's a guy working with a bunch of apes, I think it was who had them.

Movie info:

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